Saturday, August 3, 2013

Check for Understanding

   This method: "Fist-to-Five" is the best method I've come across to check for understanding as you go along. I borrowed the idea from a British chap teaching in the UK. I wish I could remember his name to give him the full credit he deserves.

   We all have surely experienced the problems with getting true feedback for understanding. Middle School kids who do not understand a concept hate to speak out and admit to being what they think is different (when in reality probably several others are "not getting it," as well). So, asking if they understand is the same as not asking, in my experience. We often find out who is not understanding when a paper is turned in with numerous mistakes.

   My students love this response. I have this poster hanging all year. I teach my kids the procedure. I often will say: "Give me a fist-to-five response on how you feel about this material." The brilliant thing is everyone must raise a hand - not just a few. And, most do not look around to see how many fingers each person is holding up.

   Measurement: A fist tells you they are totally lost and don't get it. One finger means they are barely understanding, and so on. If you get a whole class holding up all five fingers, then you probably need to stop wasting their time on this and move on to another concept. Now and then, if you think they might think they are at a 5 but you aren't sure they are, you could hit them with a pop quiz the next morning to check it out or send home some homework to verify their claim.

   I teach kids that my goal is to make sure I move everyone up into the green. They must have instruction on the procedure to realize that you see this as part of the teacher's duty, not a put-down for them if they don't understand.

   Taking the idea from someone else, I made the poster myself with poster, construction paper, clip art and typed and printed definitions. I glued and laminated. I love this as much, or more, than any procedure I use throughout the classroom.


  1. Where did you get the hands form I am searching all over!!

  2. I just used clip art. I don't check this blog much. I'm so sorry I didn't get back to you when you did post.
